Like a fine wine, we all just get better with age -
more educated, more patient, more sophisticated - the list goes on and on. So
while we may like to think we’re impervious to time, the Foodies in NYC have
aged. We’ve grown up; fallen in and out of love; moved on and moved out, but
still managed to keep a big space in our hearts for the one thing that brought
us all together...New York.
personally LOVE New York. It’s where I’ve always wanted to be, to “make it”, to
walk the cobblestone streets and work in an office high in the sky. It’s where
I came to find new friends and forget enemies. And the absolute best thing
about it is that the city can be that exact thing or something completely
different to someone else. New York can be anything to anyone. It’s donuts can
be croissants. It’s bagels are literally why the “everything” topping was
invented. New York is ramen and dim sum, and tapas and paella, and tacos
and...PIZZA, oh god is it pizza! New York, to me, is

- One of only seven
restaurants in New York with three Michelin stars
- Voted by Zagat as NYC’s Most
Popular and No. 1 for Food
- Ranked the #1
restaurant in New York
stated, Le Bernardin is a culinary
scheduling around over a dozen 30-ish birthdays, five weddings, four funerals,
and numerous other engagements, we finally booked the meal of a lifetime.
arrival, the restaurant sparkled. It may have just been my utter and
unadulterated excitement but from the kind greeting we received to the gorgeous
place settings as we took our seats, the entrance alone set the tone for the
rest of the night.
Now, I
could go on and on about every single bite and morsel of flavor and texture but
I also believe that like life, a good meal can only be truly seen, felt, heard,
smelled, and of course tasted, first hand. I will however tell you that the
Chef’s Tasting Menu BLEW MY MIND. Paired with the most delectable wines on the
planet, the meal brought me to tears (literally, I cried when I took one bite
of the Grilled Escolar with a soy-lemon emulsion).

six courses were complemented by an encore of perfect “peared” desserts
including a Roasted Bosc Pear with a olive oil emulsion and a trio of chocolate
mousse truffles. I could not imagine the experience being any more
perfect...until the restaurant "captain" brought us into the back to
meet Chef de Cuisine Chris
Mueller orchestrating a kitchen that resembled a well-choreographed ballet,
with each section moving in absolute synchronization. Capping off the night we
took a quick stop at the Aldo Sohm Wine Bar, to end the night on a high note.

West 51st Street, New York, NY 10019
Special thanks to our "dear friends," Vince and Grace DiDonato for sharing this New York experience with us.