I live for that first sip of coffee in the morning. Nothing tastes as good as that first, perfect sip. And then I get on with my day (or my day gets on with me). While I try to read the paper, check my emails and slowly slip peacefully into my day, around 9:05 – it all goes to hell. Stick with me here – I’m getting to the coffee. So as I go from meetings, to conference calls, to whatever it is that fills my day, my sad, large cup of coffee sits there, half-full and stone cold.
It’s usually about 11 AM that I actually finish it. Ick!
So when my friends Shawn and Holly told me about their idea to build a “new” coffee shop nearly a year ago – I was so excited! They researched, traveled - visiting over 100 roasters, wholesalers and cafes from San Francisco to Vancouver - and worked their butts off to understand what made a REALLY GREAT cup of coffee. And they pulled it off by opening Rook Coffee Roasters!
Rook scours the world for the best beans and roasts all of its own coffee on premise. With exotic beans like Kenya Kirimara Peaberry, Costa Rica La Amistad – and my personal favorite – Ethiopia Harrar – it is unlike any other cup of coffee you’ve every had! Just give Shawn or Holly your preference in coffee (bold, light, nutty, etc) and they will happily help you navigate the beans to find your perfect roast!
There is only one problem with Rook - - they are not in Manhattan. YET! Rook Coffee Roasters is nestled in a cozy little shop off of Monmouth Road in Oakhurst, NJ (careful not to blink – you may miss it!). No fancy lattes, cappuccinos or caramel-drenched-whipped-cream-smothered “specialty coffees.” Just an amazing cup of made-to-order coffee that is so good – it never ever has the chance to get cold!
Rook Coffee Roasters
60r Monmouth Road.
Oakhurst, NJ 07755
Check them out on Facebook and Twitter: @rookroasters